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Campaign quảng cáo Condomania tại Nhật Bản

Một trong những hình ảnh quảng cáo độc và đẹp của năm 2014

Một trong những hình ảnh quảng cáo độc và đẹp của năm 2014

 poster campaign for Japanese condom brand Condomania, it features a series of couples who have been photographed vacuum-packed together...

The campaign is from Ogivy & Mather Japan and has been shot by Photographer Hal, an artist who has developed a series of artworks that feature couples sealed together in futon vacuum bags. In his artworks, which can be seen here, Photographer Hal tends to shoot the couples in clothing and packed in with items from their daily life, but for the Condomania ads he has photographed them naked and in heart shapes, to make the link to love and sex more, um, explicit.

As the film below shows, Photographer Hal's practise is not without danger, with only ten seconds allowed to capture the finished shots once the couples are packed in. The film also features interesting commentary on the experience from some of the participants, who suggest that being vacuum-packed has brought them even closer together.

The images in the finished ad campaign are pretty ambiguous – suggesting that love is claustrophobic, even deadly. But they are certainly hard to ignore.


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